Barry's greatest gift was The Baron
Thursday 6 June 2024
Barry May was Reuters best friend. He gave it much during a long and varied career as a journalist and manager, but his greatest gift was his creation of The Baron, the worldwide watchdog website.
The Baron gathered a loyal community of concerned Reuterians, current and retired, who saw the organisation as more than simply a news and data provider but as a global force for honesty, reliability and integrity in an increasingly confused world. One to be nurtured - and that’s what Barry’s Baron did.
Barry was indefatigable, cheerful (his laugh was loud and infectious), dedicated and energetic, even in the throes of terminal illness.
I was deeply privileged to know him as a friend for many years and to work alongside him as a member of The Baron 's Advisory Board. His annual Friends of the Baron lunch in Richmond was always a jolly curtainraiser for our Christmas. Barry and Dolly made it special.
I personally benefited from Barry’s wise counsel on several occasions, for which I will always be grateful.
Farewell good friend - and keep them honest up there.
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