Reuters beats all but NYT as world leaders' top source on Twitter
Wednesday 3 December 2014
Reuters is second only to The New York Times as world leaders' favourite news source on Twitter.
An analysis by global PR firm Burson-Marsteller said Reuters - Twitter handle @Reuters - is followed by 134 leaders, who include heads of state and government and ministers of foreign affairs and their institutions. The Times’s account is followed by 142 leaders.
Next in the rankings came CNN, The Economist and BBC World.
The analysis found that CNN’s Christiane Amanpour is world leaders’ single most popular journalist with a following of 69.
Reuters editor-at-large Sir Harold Evans captured the mood at Reuters headquarters in New York with this tweet: “Glow this morning around Times Square hq of Reuters where I work. Survey says world leaders get their news from us before all save NYT”. ■
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