Digger's alarming kiss
Wednesday 18 February 2015
Digger, one of the great Reuter characters, we shall not see his like again sadly. Passed through Pakistan in 1982 and enjoyed the Digger’s bibulous hospitality. Took us to Peshawar during Ramadan to meet his Mujahideen contacts to check on the campaign against the Russians in Afghanistan. Despite the fast he still found a restaurant that was serving beer. He also gate-crashed us into the Portuguese National Day celebrations. After an interminable time sipping orange squash on the lawn he guided us to the side of the embassy discretely covered in sacking behind which a full bar was functioning. He was totally at home in the company of the Pakistan officers similarly imbibing. When our paths crossed occasionally, say at the Golf Club in Fleet Street, he had an alarming habit of kissing me on both cheeks. I presume he was glad to see me. My wife Jackie remembers him with great affection. ■
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