Charles Kershner
Thursday 25 April 2013
Chuck [Obituary: Charles Kershner] began his Reuters career as a filing editor on the New York financial desk, and I knew him both as a savvy editor and as a friend. He functioned in tandem with another desk editor, Carol, whose last name escapes me. She was married to a Yale man and thought the world was her oyster. She eventually left for Hawaii, bringing an end to a feisty relationship. Chuck was the ultimate professional. Arriving with a pedigree from United Press International’s New England area, Chuck had immediate impact on a very young staff with his comforting demeanor. His judgment and classy style made us all better at a time when beating our biggest rival, Dow Jones, was the primary goal. Chuck toiled long hours and only left for the day when he was certain everything was in order. It was a different Reuters then but because of people like Chuck it was truly a wonderful work environment. ■
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