David Fox and Andrew Marshall
Friday 13 May 2011
While the winning of awards [Tehran bureau chief Parisa Hafezi wins top award for media women] and the appointment of WSJ journos to the team [Reuters taps top WSJ editor for global role] are of interest, what happened to mail - for example from former correspondents like John Fullerton - and the news on the David Fox/Andrew Marshall saga [Reuters fires bureau chief over crude remark, Reuters editor punished for chat room remark]?
The whole incident, costing an experienced correspondent his job and giving a black mark to another, indicates another side to the evolution of the company - retrograde in my view. Alarmingly too, it suggests that either I cannot find my way any longer around The Baron, or that the site is subject to either pressure or sabotage.
[No pressure, no sabotage. The five most recent news headlines are displayed on the Home page and mail is deleted from that page after a while in the interest of keeping it current. Everything ever filed to The Baron, including all news and all mail, remains on the site and accessible. Older news items and mail are archived each calendar month. To find any item use SEARCH - Editor.] ■
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