David Goddard - a journalist's journalist
Friday 13 March 2015
Dave was a joy to work with, and a natural journalist, never happier than when he was banging out a revamped lead or a pickup from the newspapers - tabloids were his favourite hunting ground for little offbeat snippets. He was an enthusiastic founder member of the Overnight Dining Club. Friday night was Chinese, with whoever was free despatched to Soho in EiC Jim Forrester's office car. Saturday night's treat was often a massive casserole cooked by staffer Julie Craig, who lived not far away in Hackney. Wine was sometimes taken… Dave commuted up from Beer, in Devon, and once produced one of the beautifully engineered model steam locomotives that he crafted by hand in his garage. I spent seven happy years with him on the night shift, truly a journalist's journalist. ■
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