Great asset destroyed in one stroke
Saturday 6 November 2021
Thomson Reuters’ decision to sign a covenant pledging to support members of the British armed forces in one stroke destroys Reuters’ much valued reputation for independence and impartiality. I am astonished that the management of Thomson Reuters seems to care nothing for this great asset, which engendered trust for Reuters by people all over the world, including in Communist Eastern Europe, from where I used to report.
What will be the consequences? If there would be troubles again in Ireland, any Reuters journalist on the spot would not only be boycotted by anti-British militants but run the risk of assassination. Why should a German working for Reuters want to support the British military? Or a French or a Chinese? Or even an American, who may remember his country came to statehood by chasing out British Redcoats.
This may seem a gesture of laudable patriotism, but the British Army is trained to kill. Today’s London Times reports a long history of toxic misogyny at its officer training school in Sandhurst. Are these qualities Reuters really wants to endorse?
Lastly, I wonder whether Alessandra Galloni, Reuters new editor-in-chief, goes along with all this. Did she know about it? Does she condone it? I last read that she wanted journalists to “break glass”. But does she also want them to be independent and impartial? If not, following what principles does she intend to continue as editor-in-chief? ■
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