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Greens for Haydon

I never had the good fortune to work with Simon Haydon, but recall a happy lunch back in the 1980s, when he made clear how much he liked his food and - on that day at least - his greens.


He was correspondent in Oslo and had been called to London for consultations. John Bartram, then financial editor, took him to lunch at Bubb’s, a popular French restaurant in Smithfield. I was working on the news desk at the time and

was invited too.


When we came to choose what to eat, Simon explained that the height of culinary sophistication in Norway was salmon and dill sauce, which was fine, but he never got enough vegetables. Could he have lots of vegetables?


The waiter happily obliged, making sure Simon’s main course was accompanied by a bigger-than-usual portion of veg. In addition, he was given a plate piled high with salad. He was in seventh heaven. ■