Loss of knowledge
Monday 28 October 2013
I’m of two minds about this [Loss of knowledge, loss of trust]: Reuters isn’t motivated by improving the product, only controlling costs. That said, clearing the forest (and giving senior people a way to cash out) isn’t necessarily a bad thing. An organisation is the sum of its people, so a preponderance of new will create a new and possible better culture. And (speaking from personal experience) it’s easy for the individual to become complacent - to sell oneself short - by hanging around too long. I’ve never had the guts to quit a job, but the two I’ve lost lead to significantly better opportunities I would have otherwise known nothing about.
Listen: I learned from the best and joined at maybe the best time in the recent history of Reuters to get a free higher education in journalism. But opportunity is due in large part to sweeping change, from time to time. Look at Congress. Who among us doesn’t believe the US government would be vastly improved if every member of Congress was changed, even if that meant retiring the good with the bad? ■
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