Mohsin - unforgettable and lovable
Monday 21 December 2015
Two memories of Mohsin (selected from many) both Vienna, June 1961.
1. Mohsin and I shared a hotel room for 2/3 nights whilst covering the Kennedy/Khrushchev summit. I hardly slept. Mohsin didn't. Then assistant to diplomatic editor John Earle, he was rarely off the telephone acquiring no doubt useful material from capitals all over the world. My task was simpler and didn't require much sleep - following the movements of Jackie Kennedy.
2. On the eve of the summit, England were playing Austria in an international football match. Mohsin and I were assigned to cover it. Neither of us had a clue what to do. Luckily I was sitting near the great Jimmy Greaves, who could not play that evening because of an injury. Noting that I appeared to be in difficulty, he introduced himself and offered to help with the story. I accepted with huge gratitude, and he prepared an excellent version which I transmitted. It appeared on the Reuter European service with the byline "By Mohsin Ali and Adam Kellett-Long". I'm not sure Mohsin was even there for long. I am sure this was the only football match the bore his byline.
A great man - unforgettable and lovable. ■
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