My Concorde moments
Thursday 20 November 2014
I have two Concorde moments from my life at Reuters - things I wish I had done when I had the chance to do them:
I was flying back to London from JFK on a Club Class ticket for the Baron, it was Saturday morning and 8:30 for the 10 am flight. A BA ticket lady said, “If you'd like to take a nap, sir, I'll wake you for the 1 pm Concorde flight, and you'll still get to London sooner than if you leave now.” Suspicious me, I did not take her up on it! Never got another chance.
I was in Dubai for 10 days in 2001 when we had a UKI sales conference. It was Monday afternoon and I was having lunch with the Gulf MD who said to me, I have a golf date on Wednesday but can't make it, Do you want to go? I'd love to, I said, but I've already been here 10 days and my family… “You sure? It's a charity four-ball with Tiger Woods, The Dubai Desert Classic is later this week.” Did I do that? No!
Those are my two Concorde moments. Fortunately, I have many others at Reuters, where I said yes. ■
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