Pensioners' lunch
Friday 14 May 2010
The style is becoming ever clearer. Salaries of millions are easily paid. The cost of a lunch, a handful of peanuts, is portrayed as too expensive [No more pensioners’ lunches - Tom Glocer].
Perhaps I am just too old-fashioned and European. Some might even describe me by that most damning of epithets, liberal or, horror of horrors, even socialist.
Yet, like Simlizissimus wandering a world in turmoil, I sometimes wonder at what I see. Communism failed and crashed in the 1980s amid symphonies of triumphalism from the Capitalist world, yet it spawned more millionaires than ever before. Capitalism failed without as much fanfare over about the same period in 2000-2010, and is spawning an equal cloud of millionaires, who likewise did not earn what they received.
Please let's have a handful of peanuts for the faithful workers who created the wealth that morphed into Thomson Reuters. ■
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