Picture from the past - 26 years of Mongolian cooperation
Monday 13 July 2015
Alan Wheatley and I ran a journalism training course for the Thomson Reuters Foundation in June at the Mongolian state news agency Montsame in Ulaanbaatar.
Montsame looked little changed since the old days, very retro, including all the pictures in the corridors. Wandering down a corridor I came across a framed picture with a British flag - which turned out to be the signing on 3 July 1989 of a Reuters-Montsame cooperation pact. The caption gives the date and names the head of Montsame but no one else. It was a first cooperation agreement (good timing by Reuters to support the old guard in ’89!).
I thought I'd send it in and you could see if anyone can identify who's in it. ■
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