Reuters in Wonderland
Saturday 17 January 2015
Bring on the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Queen of Hearts, the White Rabbit and the Dodo for you to find the most appropriate likenesses for each in Reuters current editorial management.
What in hell is going on? A new 15-person Spot News desk to address “a concern that the bureau too often lags the competition in disseminating spot news?” The new desk will be built on top of the bureau’s existing breaking news team? Seriously?
So what has breaking news been doing all these years that is different from what spot news will do?
Dictionary definition of spot news: 1 - latest news, reported immediately; 2 - news that occurs unexpectedly.
Dictionary definition of breaking news: 1 - news that is happening and being reported or revealed at this moment; 2 - news referring to events that are unexpected.
Hello? Is there anybody brain-alive left up there? ■
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