The Baron
Tuesday 12 June 2012
I am sure all real Reuter readers of this website will agree that Barry May has done and continues to do a fantastic job in keeping Reuterians in touch and informed. Barry has borne equipment, maintenance and development costs himself with occasional welcome but limited contributions from well wishers. I know that he suffered a serious technical failure recently. I suggest that those of you who agree with me and are able to, should consider making a contribution, which you can through the Baron website.
I should stress that this suggestion in no way comes from Barry himself. Long ago I suggested that the company should make at least a contribution in terms of technical help but at that time the call of the personal pocket clearly overrode other considerations and nothing came of it. Healthier, I suggest, would be for us readers to help Barry bear the brunt and help him to keep this an independent publication. ■
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