Reuters names new Americas editor
Thursday 5 December 2013
Reuters on Thursday appointed Asia editor Dayan Candappa, pictured, to run editorial operations in the Americas. He succeeds Jim Gaines as US-based Americas editor. Gaines becomes global editor at large responsible for editorial training, internship, diversity and coaching initiatives and reporting directly to editor-in-chief Stephen Adler, who said Candappa would report to Paul Ingrassia, London-based managing editor.
Candappa joined Reuters in 2000 as a stringer in his native Sri Lanka, covering politics and the ethnic war, before moving to London where he worked with the treasury team. He later went to Dubai to set up the Middle East Financial Service. He developed a good reputation there for handling the complexities of the job and being very level-headed, a former colleague said. He then moved to Asia and became Asia’s treasury editor-in-charge. He was promoted to global markets editor.
“Over the last two-and-a-half years, as regional editor for Asia, Dayan has built a strong and talented team that has produced consistently outstanding coverage of major regional issues, and Paul and I are excited to bring his skills and expertise to the Americas,” Adler said. “Dayan will also continue his global responsibilities as deputy managing editor and he’ll stay in his Asia role until a successor has been appointed. This position will be posted in the next few days. Dayan will relocate to New York this spring.”
Adler said Gaines would work closely with Corporate Talent and Development and HR to develop the next generation of Reuters journalists. “He will play a pivotal role in driving Reuters journalists to expand their skills to contribute to more integrated multi-media content, and will coordinate with the Agency team to drive the integration of text, video and pictures to meet digital customers’ requirements. He will continue to lead the Global Pictures organization.”
While searching for a new Asia editor, Reuters will also post the vacant Europe, Middle East and Africa editor role that Ingrassia has been filling temporarily since the sudden departure of Michael Stott in July. Stott left after an open disagreement with Ingrassia. He recently became UK news editor of the Financial Times.
Both the Asia and EMEA editor roles will be posted for internal and external candidates.
Adler also announced the departure of editor at large Gary Regenstreif who he said had chosen to leave the company at the end of January. Regenstreif started at Reuters two decades ago covering the Canadian financial markets, spent three months covering the Gulf War including six weeks embedded with a military unit, and held bureau chief positions in Paris, Rome and Latin America. “As global head of domestic services he worked effectively with our businesses to expand our presence in many markets by leveraging local-language news,” Adler said. “He’s been a valued member of my team and has contributed greatly to our company, most recently as editor at large, handling special projects, overseeing our training programs and our Reuters Health and Deals groups, as well as serving as our liaison to the World Economic Forum.” ■
- Reuters
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