Obituary: Robert Moors
Thursday 30 July 2015
Robert Moors (photo), a senior Reuters communications project engineer in London in the 1980s and 1990s, died on 11 July after a short illness.
“For a considerable period of time, Bob was probably the best TDM (Time Divisional Multiplexor) engineer in Reuters,” said former colleague Ray Thompson. “That is no small claim, given Reuters’ standing in the world of data communications. TDMs were the line terminating computer systems on which Reuters communications networks depended.”
Moors had joined Reuters in 1984 on the communications engineering rota GSS - Great Sutton Street data centre in London.
“In 1989 we needed our best engineers to bring on-line DTC, the new global technical centre in London’s Docklands. We looked no further than Bob. TDMs were central to the technical plan of ‘hubbing’ our domestic customer circuits in GSS and forwarding them to DTC which was the hub for our international communications. As well as planning and implementing this, Bob also planned and implemented DTC’s communications infrastructure.
“Bob’s talents made it inevitable that he would be drawn to the particular demands of providing technical support to our editorial colleagues. He supported the operations in both Fleet Street and Gray’s Inn Road, as well as the temporary set ups of global political summits and sporting events such as the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.”
At the turn of the millennium Moors left Reuters to work with Radianz, the joint Reuters-Equant spin-off, and then on to BT when BT took over Radianz in 2005. He took early retirement in 2014.
His funeral at Bournemouth Crematorium on 27 July was attended by many of his Reuters friends and colleagues, including Graham Andrews, Ted Dale, Ron Cork, John Deacon, Dave Lynch, Stuart Thompson, Jonathan Geach, Andrew Kriescher, Anthony King, David Clarke and Neil Stanley. ■
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