Thomson Reuters forex volumes almost flat in September
Tuesday 6 October 2015
Thomson Reuters' foreign exchange trading volumes grew very slightly in September but the year-on-year figure was more disappointing.
The total average daily volume of foreign exchange trading across all Thomson Reuters platforms totalled $365 billion, just $1 billion over August’s $364 billion.
The figure includes trading volumes on Thomson Reuters Matching and FXall in all transaction types. The average daily volume for spot trading in September was $109 billion and all other instruments reached a combined volume of $256 billion.
In September last year Thomson Reuters’ platforms reached a peak of $418 billion, so the latest figure reflects a 12.7 per cent drop.
Finance industry website Finance Magnates said the group’s monthly metrics could be seen as positive considering that it was able to hold on to the volumes it reached in August and not slide back down as happened to other foreign exchange trading platforms in September. ■
- Finance Magnates
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