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Maggie Wainaina- warm, wonderful and brave

Maggie was my right-hand for almost 10 years when I was Reuters GM for the Middle East and Africa.

She had an unique blend of stubbornness, drive and a firm belief in what is right and wrong. She cared deeply about Reuters people, especially stringers who relied on what Reuters paid them (often late) to support their families.

She managed to secure the leasehold title to a Reuters flat in Dar es Salaam after a three-year battle with Tanzanian authorities and lawyers, quite a feat! I still have the email chain about RE: PLOT NO. 2349 BLOCK 50: APARTMENT 101 - C.T.186019/29 - PAMBA ROAD, DAR ES SALAAM - REUTERS LTD—GK

It is the longest email chain I have seen, because tenacious Maggie hounded the lawyers and authorities on a weekly basis.

She was a warm, wonderful, brave woman who will be missed very much.

Hamba Kahle Maggie. ■