Editorial advancement
Tuesday 3 May 2011
Reuters editors/journalists must be wondering about their prospects for advancement following the hiring of yet another former Wall Street Journal staffer, this time as global enterprise editor [Reuters taps top WSJ editor for global role]. When will this love fest with the WSJ end? Injecting new, outside blood (editor-in-chief Stephen Adler's words) into the organization may be a good thing, but there also can be too much, when the “outside” comes from one place. Approval for what obviously is a large expenditure for putting together his new team at a time when Newspaper Guild of New York employees were grudgingly awarded salary increases of 1.5 per cent annually for the next three years sends the wrong message. From the new editor-in-chief's actions, one must assume that to climb the ladder at Reuters you need the WSJ on your résumé - not exactly a morale builder for current staff. ■
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