Gerry Ratzin
Sunday 20 January 2013
Another good man and old colleague gone. The first time I met Gerry was in 1961 at the United Nations in New York, where he arrived to join Mike Littlejohn’s team covering the General Assembly alongside Allan Barker, Tony Goodman and myself. With good French, plus Russian learned during National Service, he was an excellent choice. As always happens, we went our separate ways thereafter and I would come across him only infrequently in the field. On my eventual return to head office, where Gerry was by then in Staff Department, I much valued his strong support when I was going through hard times in the firm. Don’t worry, John, he said when I nearly quit. Things will change. And, fortunately, they did. Thanks, Gerry, for being a good friend and support when it really mattered. You’ll be much missed. ■
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