Jack Hartzman
Sunday 29 December 2013
Jack’s uncompromisingly high standards and legendary temper could make him somewhat terrifying to junior journalists. He suffered fools very badly especially arrogant ones and could not abide bullshit. But once you had won his respect, he was a great mentor and his praise would produce a warm glow, all the more so for being hard won. You could be sure his praise was genuine because there was no deceit in anything he said.
As others have noted, he was also the best possible editor to have at the end of a phone if you were in trouble or facing a difficult situation. Unlike some others, he never tried to dodge the issue or delay. Advice was quick, decisive and invariably sound.
But I felt almost sorry for those who received the lash of his anger, especially outside callers. I often thought we should have recorded some of his outbursts and kept them ready to play to overweening clients, although his words might have brought senior managers out in a cold sweat. One I particularly savoured, when Jack was being tried dearly by a particularly persistent caller - probably just before sked time - ended with these words as he abruptly hung up: “I have other fish to fry, asshole!”. ■
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