PIP casualty
Tuesday 3 July 2012
This is a very sad time in Reuters history, and a tragedy for our reputation as a great news service and a great place to work [Supreme Court reporter, ‘PIP casualty’, calls it a day].
Reuters management has never been a strong point, but how low can it sink?
It was an amazing privilege for me to work alongside Jim [Vicini] (as well as Glenn Somerville) in Washington for a decade or so back in the ’80s or ’90s.
But I rarely saw Jim in the flesh because he was more like a blur. At that time, he covered both the Justice Department and the Supreme Court, and he also frequently covered the federal courts in DC as well - an assignment literally inconceivable these days for a major global news service. Every time I saw him, he seemed skinnier, and no wonder! When did he have time to eat?
He was one of the greatest in the Washington Bureau at a time of amazing performance by our crew. Hopelessly outstaffed by the Dow and AP, we were smarter and better and worked obsessively to beat our rivals and took great pride and joy in our achievements.
I was never happier or prouder of my work than when I was a part of that team.
I eventually moved away from DC but Jim and Glenn just kept getting better and better.
All the best to both of them in their future endeavors. ■
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