Jack Hartzman
Monday 6 January 2014
Jack Hartzman was an understated giant of Reuters news, shaping the file with sureness and flair and solid support for correspondents in the field. Turning up for a shift - especially a night shift - on the World Desk when it really was the centre of the world you always knew the report was in good hands and that the team game would lift under his guidance. From the field in difficult circumstances it was a major relief to get Jack on the other end of the telex - unflurried, sympathetic, knowledgeable and supportive. He was good company too. It was a pleasure to encounter Jack at the foot of the stairs to Mrs Moon’s, leaning on the end of the bar, smiling quietly over a Scotch, delivering dry, acerbic one-liners, usually alongside more boisterous Mooners like Dave Nicholson and Ron Thomson. Never would a “lunch break” pass in more stimulating company. Jack was a one-off of a kind that only Fleet Street produced at its best. So sad to say farewell - but thanks for everything, Jack. ■
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