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Thomson Reuters comes out for UK same sex marriage bill

Thomson Reuters has publicly declared its support for same sex marriage legislation in Britain. The bill is currently in committee following a majority vote in the House of Commons earlier this month.

“Thomson Reuters applauds the latest passage of the Bill and encourages its completion through the legislative process,” the company said in a posting on its Knowledge Effect blog. “By voicing our endorsement of the UK’s Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, we continue to demonstrate our active support for equal opportunities for all our staff and all government legislation that promotes equality.

“Many leading companies – many of whom are our global clients – take active positions in supporting marriage equality. We are pleased to join them. Supporting this legislation is consistent with our diversity and inclusion policies and agenda, and positions us well in the eyes of our people – current and prospective – as well as the LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] community.”

Thomson Reuters said its support of the UK legislation is the latest example of its commitment to marriage equality. In the United States, it said the company’s participation in the US Business Coalition for the Defense of Marriage Act repeal “put into action our company’s stance on diversity, equality and fairness. This recent partnership deepened our commitment in the U.S...” ■

Thomson Reuters