Obituary: Max Siebenmann
Friday 27 May 2016
Max Siebenmann (photo), who died on Tuesday in his native Switzerland at the age of 81, was a highly successful Reuters salesman in Europe in the 1970s who became a manager in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
Noted for his charm, sense of humour and thick Swiss accent, colleagues remember Siebenmann as a one of those who formed the team which drove Reuters’ high growth period following the introduction of the Stockmaster and Videomaster data terminals.
He later became manager in Brazil where he had the specific brief of introducing Reuters’ computerised services to that country, and deputy manager in Latin America and the Caribbean towards the end of Michael Reupke’s time there as area manager.
“Max took over from me in 1979 as manager for Latin America and the Caribbean for a very brief period in Buenos Aires,” Peter Smith said. “He had been very successful in Europe as a salesman and manager and was appointed in 1977 to the Middle East as manager. He was one of three appointments at that time to the Reuter Areas. Peter Job took over Asia and I was given Latin America.
“Socially, Max was very popular with a big reputation in Reuters Europe for his sales prowess and a very pleasant and charming manner. He was someone who left an impression with his good humour and was rarely seen without a smile on his face.”
A business friend wrote: “Max was a good man, professional, blessed with good looks, charm, charisma and a great sense of humour.”
Nadja Siebenmann, one of his two daughters, said that after retirement at the age of 60 he led a lazy but happy life together with his wife Sonja in Switzerland.
The funeral will be on Wednesday 1 June at 1100 in Friedhof Zollikon, Wieslerstrasse 51, Zollikon, Meilen district, Zurich, Switzerland. ■
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