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Dinosaurs go back to school

  • Paul Taylor, Phil Wardle, Fay Winning, Tony Winning, Tony Austin, Eva Kaluzynska.

  • Bob Evans, Doodie Evans, Alan Riding, Bernard Edinger, Martin Leeburn, Pierre Tran.

Eleven Paris Dinosaurs and two spouses had a superb meal at the exquisite Ferrandi Ecole Française de Gastronomie in the Montparnasse district of Paris.

Ever try Takati d'espadonartichaud barigoule et oeuf de caillegelée de tomate jaune or Canard croisé rôti au miel et poivre de Timutcuisse de canard confitecocotte de légumes?

I won't even try to translate the names but it was absolutely delicious, and at prices which recalled those of 20 years ago. The reason for the low prices is that the school, run by the Paris area Chamber of Commerce, is not profit-making but seeks to train young people to staff France's best restaurants. Reservations must be made about three months ahead because the secret about this place is out.

We will definitely go back there for the winter edition of the Paris Dinosaurs. The summer edition will be in mid-July or mid-September, on a boat docked under the shadow of Notre Dame Cathedral on the Seine River where we have held two highly successful lunches in the past couple of years.

Present at the Ferrandi school today were Dinosaurs who came specially from London, Geneva and Brussels, as well as some Parisians. They were Tony (and Fay) Winning, Bob (and Doodie) Evans, Eva Kaluzynska, Meg Bortin, Phil Wardle, Martin Leeburn, Alan Riding, Pierre Tran, Tony Austin, Paul Taylor and Bernard Edinger. ■